Homeless Youth Thesis

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Thirty-one years ago, many things were different. From our president that was in the White House, to the music and the clothing we wear, the 1980’s showed the world a new age of problems within our societies, all that were changing the way social workers did their jobs, and regarded the clientele that helped. One such effort that changed for the better was the advancement in working with homeless youth. That such thing happened here in Tucson, Arizona. Many years back, a young woman named Ann Young noticed the change in a number of her students work ethic and motivation began to decline, thus causing her as a guidance counselor to investigate. She found that many children under her watch and supervision in the school, were either homeless, living with friends, family or hopping from couch to couch. Flash forward to 2016, the efforts that one woman had now helps with more than one thousand students every year. The mission at Youth On Their Own is this: To meet the needs and provide the support of homeless youth so that they can see to and complete their high school education. Now to be clear, that doesn’t mean that Youth On Their Own is a homeless shelter, but on the contrary they provide services such as guidance counseling, financial aid stipends and necessities such as transportation, …show more content…

More in depth, most of the funding they are allotted is from donations they receive, and fundraisers the organization puts on. Because of almost all the funding’s coming from those donations, the organization depends more on the volunteers from all public schools to help with Youth On Their Own. These volunteers can be teachers, guidance counselors, administration, and so on. Youth On Their Own only has about seventeen paid staff at their offices, with this in mind it shows how many volunteers there are and how vital they are to the success of the students and the

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