Hitler's Ideas Behind The Holocaust

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When the Holocaust is mentioned, many people think of many of the Jewish people that died throughout it. But was the whole idea behind the Holocaust? The Holocaust is a historical significance because it brought attention to people’s eyes after learning about what a few ideas could create to destroy so many people. This was the first time in history where one man and a few ideas would try and eliminate an entire population of people, due to their different beliefs. Hitler’s ideas and beliefs about Jews were deadly, creating the rules and ideas of anti-semitism, leading up to the Holocaust, and extermination camps to execute Jews and non-Jewish people.
Hitler’s ideas behind the holocaust did not entirely start with him. The beginning roots of “Holocaust Ideas” date back to the time of Martin Luther. When he posted his 95 Theses to the …show more content…

Hostility of Jewish people, however, was dated back to the Ancient World time, including the Roman authorities. Jews were forced to leave the Palestine, after their Jewish temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. Decades later, ideas that lead to the Holocaust were created and cultivated in the U.S way before Hitler was forcing his own ideas around. Eugenicists, people who try and improve human genetic traits through the promotion of higher desired traits and lowering the undesired traits, played an important role in the movement of ethnic cleansing. From a young age, Germans were taught that all Jews were evil. Hitler and the Nazis came into power in 1933. When Hitler’s time of power came into the picture, he wanted to create a generation of young Germans who were physically fit and

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