Final Solution Essay

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It is evident that World War II still affects the world today, but are these repercussions the aftermath of a master plan for destruction? The Nazi Party and Hitler were the most significant characters for World War II and thus, they truly made history, however, they made it worse. Many different causes for this devastation have been concluded starting with the end of World War I and the harsh blameful Treaty of Versailles, the new found control in Germany, and the Great Depression; even though was most harmful in America, affected the world in its entirety. Are these the factors that led to the ‘Final Solution’, are these the problems that encouraged Hitler to seize the world? There were many elements prior to World War II leading to the annihilation …show more content…

“Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany established about 20,000 camps to imprison its many millions of victims.” Therefore, prior to the beginning of the war, there was intention to follow through with the ‘Final Solution’. The building of the Camps and Chambers began soon after Hitler became Chancellor (January 30, 1933). After Hitler became Chancellor, the genocide soon occurred, because it’s easy to follow a step by step plan. Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, “...the correct use of propaganda is a true art…” So, Hitler understood the importance of hope and belief, therefore, there was Propaganda giving hope to both the Germans and the Jews, and on the main gates of the concentration camps was: Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Will Set You …show more content…

The Final Solution was the pre-planned idea to exterminate the entirety of the Jewish population. Under the decree of the Nazi Party, the Final Solution was implemented in stages. The First stage was to (essentially) unwelcome the Jews from Germany society, through boycotts, the anti-Jewish legislation, and the Night of Broken Glass, which were all aimed to remove the Jews as quickly as possible from society. This exportation quickly spread throughout Europe after the start of WWII. The second action was to send the Jews to Ghettos, isolated from all other peoples. As the Ghettos (in Poland) were quickly filling in occupants, the Nazi Party started ‘Mobile Killing Squads’, which traveled from one neighborhood to another ripping Jews from their home and killing (using gas vans or guns) them in the street. But, this method proved inefficient with the number of Jewish People who ran, and the number of killers that were being affected by the gases. This then caused the anti-Semitic party to start sending Jews to the six extermination camps throughout Poland. Which according to Paul B. Kern was all a part of the Final Solution. However, Kern states that the Final Solution was secretly Hitler’s fault, he believes Hitler, being the Chancellor of Germany, wanted the results of the Final Solution to be blamed elsewhere. “The purpose of the secrecy was to make possible the killing of the Jews.”

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