History Of Brain Injury

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The opening question that made the audience think was, “how many types of brain injuries are there?” At first, nobody knew the answer and it left the audience wondering. Soon after, information was proceeded out explaining the different types, which was a traumatic brain injury and an acquired brain injury. As the statistics of videos, pictures, and graphs were supported throughout the presentation, it was concluded that it was extremely intriguing to pay attention.

Before the time brain injuries were recognized, the individuals who suffered were left to perish due to their brain experiencing horrific blunt trauma. Meanwhile, in the early 1970s, Bryan Jennett, a brain surgeon, had endorsed the importance of having a brain injury and declared it needed to be known. Afterwards, the pioneers in the 1980s developed a movement called the community open rehabilitation, which would let civilians with injuries get assisted with care. In addition, brain injuries were soon recognized and became a serious thing. ("History of Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment | Springer Publishing," n.d.)

The importance of knowing about brain injuries is that there are two types, traumatic and acquired. A traumatic injury is described as a blunt …show more content…

The individual suffering will experience seizures, migraines, and fatigue as well as dizziness. Though, it is common to experience all these effects at different times, sometimes the individual will experience not one but two at the same time. When damaging the brain, the patient will often have brain fatigue. which means the brain will need to rest after a period of time due to having what's called, a brain overload. A brain overload is described as taking in too much information than the dysfunctional brain can handle. In the long run, mental difficulties will develop causing the individual to have a difficult time. ("Traumatic brain injury Risk factors - Mayo Clinic,"

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