Historical Accuracy And Authenticity Of The Gospel Essay

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Historical Accuracy And Authenticity Of The Gospel Gospel, in Greek Euangelion, meaning “good news”; are the records written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. There has been much debate in the Scholarly community as to whether these records are authentic and historically accurate. Most scholars agree that the Gospels are authentic and accurate records of Jesus life, however there are still those that believe that they were made up to promote a fledgling faith. Consequently, I am going to explain in detail why the Gospel is both authentic and an accurate representation of Jesus life. Before I begin, I must acknowledge that it is true, we do not have the original written texts of the Gospel. However, that leads me into my first point, we have thousands upon thousands of handwritten copies, also called manuscripts of the Gospels. The earliest dated copy has been estimated to have been written anywhere from 50-100 CE, that is only 25 to 50 years after Jesus was said to have died on the cross and when the originals would have been written. Historically speaking that is incredible. Furthermore, another point is the willingness of Jesus’s Apostles to suffer and die at the hands of the …show more content…

I believe there is little reason to doubt the historical authenticity and accuracy of the Gospel when examining the evidence. The fact that the manuscripts were written only 50 years after Jesus death, as well as the number of manuscript copies we have currently are all strong factors for considering their accuracy, the fact that we have so many copies means we can also cross examine them and compare them to each other to check the consistency; as it turns out there is a 99.5% consistency rate across all 5600 Greek copies. There is just too much evidence that points to the historic accuracy to factor in when considering whether they are authentic or

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