Mexican American Culture: The Center Of Social Life

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Culture is the unique way to act and think within a people from a certain place. It’s the way the people hold their beliefs, what they hold valuable, how they speak and even how they write. Culture is how people relate and act with one another within a certain space. Culture can vary from place to place such as city, state, country or continent. In the Mexican American culture family is the center of social life. Daily life is constructed around immediate family and events. Families gather for just about any occasion, extended family gather for birthdays, funerals, births and holidays, sometimes for no particular occasion at all. Mexican Americans get together to go to church, shopping, have dinner, go out dancing and watch games on television, there’s always an excuse to call family and get together. The elderly are extremely important in Mexican American families and are taken care of at home. …show more content…

The husband is the main breadwinner and the wife takes care of the children and household. Japanese families also care for their elderly, the husband or wife’s parents. Social connections are mainly done through the day to day connections of the husband or wife. The Japanese husband interacts mainly with coworkers and the wife mainly through neighbors and through the children’s activities. So social connections are usually done individually. All activities are planned as a family unit and for the benefit of the

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