Hip Hop Music Essay

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In the mid 1980s, the hip hop music was moving towards to the mainstream of the music business and entertainment. One of the biggest changes was the production of hip hop music. For example, the new hip hop music introduced song forms such as verses, hooks, and chorus, and consisted more musical features to create more dynamics in hip hop music. The major change in production was using “sampling” and increasing the use of the drum machine to create beats (Burr). These beats were then used as the basis for rap, which Tricia Rose defined it as “a technologically sophisticated and complex urban sound” (Rose 95). The rap became a center of the hip hop production during the mid-1980s. According to Rose, rap uses “collage, intertextuality, boasting, toasting, and signifying” for lyrical styles and organizations (Rose 64). Many hip hop artists use signifying to constitute lyrical style. Signifying means taking someone else’s words and turning them around. There are several features that constitute signifying: indirection, metaphor, irony, rhythmic, teachy, and punning. Thus, signifying enriches the lyrics to create a polished rap music. Secondly, the organization of rap is the rhythm, which is “the most perceptible and the least material thing” (Rose 64). In almost all hip hop music, the rhythms are mostly created by heavy bass or drum beats. By manipulating these beats, rappers can produce idiosyncratic rhythms and make their rap songs original. The rap’s lyrical styles and distinctive yet organized rhythms are the central qualities in formulating rap music.
One of the powerful hip hop artists that implements and maneuvers the primary qualities in formulating rap music is RUN DMC. I will use one of their famous pieces, “Sucker MC’s,” a...

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... for my paper because of distinctive, systematic composition of the song. The group members collaborated to create different styles and sounds of hip hop music without using samplings. The lyrics not only convey meaningful messages by using metaphors, but also flow smoothly by using rhymes. Also, by using call and response, RUN DMC made the song livelier and was able to easily excite the crowds. The unique beats, rhythms, and sounds were perfectly arranged by the members to bring originality to the music. Even though RUN DMC had a long hiatus, the group got back together and released new records. Sadly, the group called it quits when Jam Master Jay was murdered in his recording studio. Even though the remaining two members retired after Jay’s death, RUN DMC is still remembered as the legendary rap group that was responsible for popularizing rap and hip hop music.

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