High School Dropouts

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What is a drop-out? There are many definitions and ways to use this word but for this occasion I will talk about high school dropouts. A high school dropout is a student that the ceases his/her education and there is many reasons for this. Although we would like to believe that students concentrate 150% on their education there are plenty other things that overwhelm students on a day to day basis. Things such as low family income and help supporting their family for a decent living, pregnancy, discrimination, lack of support from parents, and/or no interest in an education.
High school is the beginning of a new chapter for every student. It is the start of a right passage for young adults. It not only marks a big achievement to finish high school, but it is a greater stepping stone to higher education and career opportunities. It is through hard work that students make it to the end and hopefully are able to continue higher education. Many students make it through easily but many struggle during the process and decide or are even forced to leave their education. But why do students lose their interest in school? It may be that when students notice they are not successful they lose their drive and motivation and would rather do something else with their life that they think is productive. Without success students lose incentives to go to school. Consequently, they have no attachment to their school. Personal problems affecting students seem to be the main cause for students to drop out of high school. Pregnancy is a main factor that affects female students. As stated, “lack of parental and educational support and becoming a parent are two of the most common reasons younger Americans drop out of high school, according to data re...

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...y own family and student’s.
This course has provided me with the insight and knowledge to know that English Language Learners are really valuable to our classrooms and that they may become discouraged because they feel discriminated or unaccepted. Through the stories of our classmates I have learned that my role as teacher is very important for these students and that I must work hard to make them part of my classroom and set them up with the tools to succeed in their education. As my classmates mentioned during our discussions, it can be very frustrating and often times discouraging.
There can be measures taken to prevent high school dropouts, and we as future educators are part of the solutions. This problem may be chronic and may have been going on for many years but that does not mean we should not take action and feel entitled to want to make a difference.

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