High School Counselor Experience

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My experience with my high school counselors is different than most. From 1st grade to my junior year I had the same counselor, it wasn’t until my sophomore year did I realize the impact she was to have on my life. I have always been the student that knew what they wanted to do. I had aspired to become a dentist, I was going to go to the University of North Dakota, major in Biology, and then go to Dental school. My high school offered College in Schools classes, so originally I was interested in getting ahead in my college career. I went to her to ask for guidance and soon we became quite close. Being a sophomore is was required to have a parent sign off, my father regularly accompanied me on my visits. Little did I know that my counselor wasn’t …show more content…

I suffered the rest of my junior year going to the activities director to figure out my classes, and get counseling. She had ruin what the dream of my future had been, and replaced it with guilt. My senior year, my family and I moved, which meant a new counselor. Initially, I had assumed this counselor would be no different. I was, happily, proved wrong. My first visit with Mrs. Adolphson was a breath of fresh air. My parents and I sat down with her to figure out what my schedule would look like when I started school there in the fall. Mrs. Adolphson not only supported my ideas, but was open to volunteering her time so I could fit several classes I needed into my schedule. Still today I find myself walking into her classroom with comfort, and unwavering trust. Mrs. A has not only changed my opinion of counselors, but also the feelings I had about my future. She has taught me that no matter what I dream my future to be, I can have it. The guilt is gone, and has been replaced with hope. Hope that my future can be what I’ve always wanted. Mrs. Adolphson has helped me explore careers, by scheduling job-shadowing

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