High Noon Comparison

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High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game are alike and different in many ways. Both stories/movie both of the main characters are faced with death. Both of the main characters were caught off guard with the situations. In the most dangerous game the main character had more time to prepare. While they are alike and different both stories created a high level of suspense.

Both Rainsford and Will Kane are faced with death. The only thing Will Kane has to fight with is himself because no one will help him. The only thing Rainsford has to fight with is a hunting knife. Will Kane only had a little over an hours notice the Frank Miller was coming. Rainsford had know choice but to play the most dangerous game because he couldn't believe because he is you're at school you have no choice but to fight. All of these created a level of suspense. …show more content…

"[Ext. Alley—On Mitchell shooting toward stable— as Mitchell flings the third lamp towards the stable. It takes a high arc and lands near the staple. Then Mitchell takes careful in, and fires. We see one of the lamps explode, bouncing crazily against stable and splattering fire against it. Mitchell fires again, misses his target, fires again, hits it. There is another explosion, and another splash of oil and fire on the stable door.]" (Forman 330). "Stationmaster (breathless). "Marshal—! Telegram for you— (As he hands it to Kane) It's just terrible! It's shocking! (Forman 292). Finally Kane kills Frank Miller, Colby, and

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