Hidden Figures

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The movie, Hidden Figures, is about three African-American women who worked at NASA and were faced with overcoming challenges thrown at them by racist and sexist characters in the movie. All of the African-American women in the movie started off working at the West Area, where they did math for the people at NASA, but were “behind the scenes people,” who got no credit for their work. One of the characters, Katherine Goble, was an amazing mathematician, who was allowed to work at the Space Task Group. She was the only African-American, and woman to work there. Everyone was very skeptical of her being there, and there was no colored bathroom in the whole entire campus, so she had to run all the way to the West Area, where she used to work, which was about 40 minutes away. Everyone …show more content…

Another character, Dorothy Vaughan, played the role of supervisor at the West Group, but that was not her job title and she was not given the pay of supervisor, even though she was doing the work. After being rejected the supervisor position multiple time, she eventually taught herself coding by using a book she had to steal from the library, since it was not in the “colored section.” She brought all of the workers in the West Group with her to work on coding the IBM 7090, so that all of the African-American women who worked at NASA would not be out of jobs after they started using the machine. The third main character, Mary Jackson, wanted to become an engineer after she was invited to help other engineers find the flaws of a rocket. One of the main engineers there encouraged her to take one of NASA’s open engineer positions, which Mary thought was insane and undoable, since she was an African American woman. He told her that no matter who you are or where you came from, you can do anything you want as long as you work for it, which I though was very true, inspiring, and can encourage you to overcome any obstacle in your

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