Hibiscus Research Paper

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Observing the leaves of a hibiscus (Hibiscus spp.) as it grows can tell you whether it's getting all it needs to thrive. Hibiscus is hardy to U.S Department of agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, where it's a perennial. In the cooler zones it's treated as an annual. (See References 1, p. 93) Hibiscus grows dark green, glossy leaves that are adorned with an abundance of flowers. Although yellowing hibiscus leaves can be an indication of the natural resting phase, it can also be a sign of a more serious matter, such as improper watering, lack of nutrients, and sap-sucking pests. The Resting Phase Hibiscus won't tolerate freezing temperatures. In cooler climates, the plant's leaves will turn yellow and and drop. This is an indication that it's entering the dormant resting phase. To encourage it to regrow, bring the hibiscus indoors, placing it in a cool room at 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep it here for six to eight weeks, watering it just enough to keep the soil from completely drying out. After this dormant period, cut back the plant to 6 inches from its base, and place it...

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