Here Bullet Brian Turner

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Here, Bullet How bad must war get for a soldier to want death? This wanting for death is shown in Brian Turner’s “Here, Bullet.” Brian Turner was a U.S. soldier in the Iraq war. Before he became a soldier, he earned a degree in creative writing. He wrote a series of poems while he was deployed in Iraq. One of these poems was “Here,Bullet.” This essay will be analyzing the imagery and personification in this poem. The first literary element that will be analyzed will be imagery. The first part of imagery is talking about the unstoppable force of a bullet. The quote, “That inexorable flight,” is where he specifically talks about it. He uses this quote about the unstoppable flight of a bullet to show that he can’t stop it if it does go toward …show more content…

This is shown in the quote, “ That insane puncture into heat and blood.” This quote shows what Brian Turner will feel when the bullet hits him. It explains the pain and heat of blood flowing out of his body. This quote is showing the reader what a soldier feels when they are hit by a bullet. The next literary element that will be analyzed will be the use of personification in this poem. The first detail of personification is that the bullet can want something. This is shown at the beginning of the poem when Turner says, “ If a body is what you want, then here is…” This shows that the bullet is choosing to kill, and has it’s own conscience. It shows that the bullet can control its flight and direct itself toward a soldier. It shows that the bullet knows what it is doing and wants to do it. The next detail will be that the bullet is conscious and chooses to kill someone. This is explained in the quote, “ Here, Bullet, Here is where i complete the world you bring hissing through the air. This shows that it is the sole fault of the Bullet that the world it brings hissing by is brought to him. It also uses Bullet as a name, also showing that it is the Bullet’s fault that soldiers die in war. It shows that the Bullet is a person itself, and chooses to do what it

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