Here Are No Newters By Richard Latner Summary

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During the Salem Witch Trials citizens were unjustifiably persecuted for being witches, sometimes leading to executions. In “Here Are No Newters": Witchcraft and Religious Discord in Salem Village and Andover”, Richard Latner argues that the practically militaristic policies and sermons given at the time by frequently changing ministers who acted as leaders and prosecutors. Salem became the “the focal point of this culture of conflict”(Latner, 2006, 94). Latner explains why religion made Salem the host of contagious hostility. Latner is an history professor at the University of Tulane. Latner’s purpose of writing the article is to inform the reader of the reason why the events at Salem happened due to religious leaders impact and how their actions held significance. “Examining the bitter disputes that wracked Salem Village and Andover suggests that we should accord religion”(Latner, 2006, 93). Latners goal was to prove that the events of Salem happened not because of …show more content…

The thoroughness is one of its key strengths, allowing for people of varying knowledge about Salem to gain an understanding of the events and background of the witch trials. The author includes multiple sources to show the exceptionally varying ideals and their effects on Salem. “the peace that came under Joseph Green's conciliatory leaders... the important role religious strife played in the events of 1692”(Latner, 2006, 118). Joseph Green completely paralleled his predecessors, he was responsible for restoring order to Salem. This is significant because it shows the impact that ministers had, they had the power to change the town completely, Green was one of the first to not cause strife. Compared to Christine Leigh Heyrman’s “Witchcraft in Salem Village: Intersections of Religion and Society” Latner’s article correlates with the central idea that religious leaders and religion itself started the witch

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