Herbert Herb William Clutter Case Study

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Herbert “Herb” William Clutter was an average looking 48-year-old man who was well known in Garden City. He owned a large ranch where he employed 18 farm hands. He was married to Bonnie she was 45 years old and suffered from clinical depression and a misplaced vertebra she spent most days in bed. They had four children Evenna the oldest and Beverly the second had both moved away from home. Nancy was the youngest daughter at 16 years of age she was a lean pretty high schooler with short bobbed chestnut hair and faint freckles. Kenyon, the only boy, was the youngest of his siblings only 15 years old a high schooler like Nancy he was 6 feet tall with light brown hair and glasses he was lanky but strong. Richard Eugene “Dick” Hickock was a 28-year-old man with an alethic build, blond long crew cut, and …show more content…

In the early morning of November 15th Dick and Perry entered the Clutter home through an unlocked side door that lead to Herbs office. Once inside the two searched for a safe that Dick was sure to be there with at least ten thousand dollars but when they were unable to locate it they went Herbs bedroom and told him they were traveling sales men and wanted to speak to him in his office. Back in the office Dick questioned him as to where the safe was, Herb was confused and told them he did not have one. Perry believed him to be telling the truth but Dick did not and became agitated. While Perry cut the phone wires he heard someone at the top of the stairs but he chose to ignore it when he got back to Dick they were back in Herbs room counting the money from wallet. Herb led them upstairs to his wife’s bedroom looking for more money but Bonnie had none. Perry talked to Dick and tried to get him to understand that the Clutter’s did not have any cash but Dick wanted to lock up the family so that they could have time to search the home. Dick’s plan was to put

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