Jimmy Hoffa

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Jimmy Hoffa was a very powerful leader and president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehouseman, and Helpers of America, whose mysterious disappearance, suspected of being Mafia connected, on July 30, 1975 has never been solved. Hoffa was a major figure in the Supermob, the go-betweens of the upper world and the mafia world. As the Teamster president, Jimmy had two very important voters: his members and the gangsters that helped him move up the ladder to union success. Hoffa served his gangster associates by writing them into Teamster union power and Teamster union pension-fund cash. In his Supermob role, Hoffa did more to expand the affluence of the gangs and knit them into the fabric of American life than any gangster since Al Capone.
When Hoffa lost his role as Teamster president, he also lost his role as the Supermob's biggest and most powerful figure. Of no further use to the mob, Hoffa lived on borrowed time from the moment he left the Pennsylvania prison, where he was sentenced after being convicted of fraud, bribery, and conspiracy. Instead of being a channel for the upper world, Jimmy had become nothing but trouble. He had enough information to destroy every member of the Mafia, and the Mafia knew this.1


The date was July 30, 1975, and it was the day Jimmy Hoffa disappeared from the face of the earth. By Thursday morning, July 31, the word had spread throughout Detroit that Jimmy had not been home the night before. This was very unusual because Josephine, Jimmy's wife, had a heart problem and Hoffa would never leave her alone. By the time the Thursday evening news was over, the rest of the public also knew that Jimmy was no where to be found. Immediate speculations of a gangland killing quickly began to form.
And then, like a complex animated puzzle the details of all of Jimmy's last known activities started to fit together to form the whole picture.
Josephine was the first piece holder to be questioned for information. She told police Jimmy left their house around 1:00 PM on July 30 headed for the Machus Red Fox restaurant on Telegraph Road. He had told her he was going there to meet with someone. He never told her who he was going to meet. At 2:30 PM Jimmy called and told Josephine that he had been stood up, and he asked if anyone had called for him. No one had called, and that is what she told her husband. S...

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... report seeing Hoffa's body floating in a small lake. Lawrence Haerbert called and told police Hoffa's body could be found in a field just outside of Somerset, Michigan. His report went into great detail. He told authorities Hoffa was shot once in the chest and dumped in the field. Another tip said Hoffa's body was buried in a park. For two hours police tracked an area in the park with no luck. Investigators received thousands of these so called tips from what they called "screwballs." None of these tips ever did anything but waste time.13


During the duration of 1975, scores of investigators worked overtime in Michigan, New Jersey, Florida, California and New York. They spent huge sums of money trying to bust open the Jimmy Hoffa case. It had become embarrassing to Director Clarence Kelly of the FBI that Hoffa's abductors had not been identified and his disappearance solved. To this day neither Hoffa's body or his abductor's have been found.
James Riddle Hoffa was a beloved and powerful union leader. He had many friends along with powerful enemies. Investigators presume that one, if not several, of his powerful enemies got rid of their power hungary competitors.

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