Her Father And Anne Frank's Relationship

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Compare and contrast Anne’s relationship with her mother to that with her father. Anne's relationship with her mother compared to her relationship with her father is a bit complicated. Her mother seems to care far too much for Anne. She starts to treat her like a baby at the worst times. Mother does try to help at times but Anne gets a little naive. Now her father, that’s a different story. Anne’s father treats her just the same as her mother, but, he has a different way of teaching her and showing her the love that her mother gave and showed almost overdramatically. Compare and contrast the relationship between Anne and Peter at the beginning of the play and later on in the play. Anne and Peter’s relationship in the beginning of the play had “spacing”. I say this meaning that they weren't very talkative or active towards each other like friends usually would be. Peter was quiet and kept to himself entirely; Anne only glanced at him occasionally. By the middle of the play they were arguing and bickering with each other and they were quite irritated by then. After a few months passed they were good friends and practically having therapy sessions when it came to the corruption of the entire group of people in the attic. So, they went from silly children to the best of friends when they figured they could benefit from each other. …show more content…

Anne manages to get on others nerves because she naive, obnoxious and she just a little over dramatic when it comes to being bored. Ann is naive because she seems to see things differently than others. She seems like the type who fights for what she wants until she gets in or pouts when she doesn't get it. She does get a lot more mature as she

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