Henri Matisse's Influence On Van Patten

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Henri Matisse was a French Artist during the Cubist and Fauvist period, which influenced his art greatly. Although he was primarily known as a painter, he was also a printmaker, sculptor, and draughtsman. His piece Mademoiselle Yvonne Landsberg resembles that of a print; however, it is in oil painting. Mademoiselle Yvonne Landsberg is believed to have been a piece in which Matisse was experimenting with new ideas and methods, as this painting appears to be very labor intensive. There are multiple parts of the painting where Matisse scraped away layers of paint and leave behind lines that parallel cross-hatching. The aspect of the painting that is different from other cubist pieces of the time are the lines that emanate from the Mlle Landsberg, thought to be a depiction of her movement while the piece was being made. …show more content…

He is now working as an individual focusing on portraits and figures. Sequence Study utilizes modern day technology and traditional painting, as Van Patten painted several different paintings and then he transferred images of the paintings onto a computer and then created a GIF. Van Patten’s work is more closely related to expressionist work than either cubism and fauvism; however, it is comparable to Mademoiselle Yvonne Landsberg as both works communicate the idea of duration or passing

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