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Heathers, a 1988 black comedy film directed by Michael Lehmann, presents an exaggerated model of social status in high school. The titular Heathers are a group of three girls- Heather Chandler, Heather McNamara, and Heather Duke- who control the school. In the terms of Marx, they represent the powerful bourgeoisie who rule over the proletariat- in this case, they are illustrated by the unpopular students. In the world of Westerburg High School, you are either popular or not, and there is no inbetween. To Nietzsche, this is an example of a binary opposition. Veronica, the main character, is someone who is hailed by both sides and is unsure of where she belongs. At the same time, another student named J.D. presents a different solution to her …show more content…

Marx wrote that they were, “Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, [standing] in constant opposition to one another…” (473-474). In other words, within these two roles, there has always been one in charge, and one expected to obey. The upper class are the rulers, so they are the ones who can control the lower class. Though Marx had an economic base in mind, the ideas reflect the complicated social structure within in a high school. In the movie, the three Heathers are more than just popular; they are considered the superiors of every single student and have total control over the school. No one dares try to harass them because they are both admiring and afraid, so their status as the elite is completely accepted. They are the Heathers, representing the powerful …show more content…

Her old friend Betty clearly wants to rekindle their friendship, but the Heathers are determined to keep her in their grasp. Althusser wrote that: “all ideology hails or interpellates concrete individuals as concrete subjects” (245). In other words, an ideology, or a certain outlook on the world, tries to take an individual and transform them into being a subject who completely follows that ideology without question. Althusser compares this process to a policeman, quite literally, hailing someone simply by calling out for

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