Heathcliff Racism Quotes

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Both characters face similar pressures of racism, as they have almost no freedom compared to those around them. They each face the same consequence for a different situation. In the first couple of chapters when Heathcliff is introduced to the Earnshaw family at Wuthering Heights, Mrs. Earnshaw refers to him as a gipsy, a dirty, ragged black haired child (Brontë 36). Since this is a small town in the 1800’s, they are not used to seeing black people and outcast them. Throughout the novel it is obvious that Heathcliff is outcasted and hated by the family, especially the eldest son Hindley. In many ways, Aibileen faces the same consequences as Heathcliff, being outcasted and hated by the white people in her community. Since she is a black maid …show more content…

Heathcliff is treated like a slave by Hindley, and Aibileen is not recognized as a person by many; this limits their freedom, interactions, and opportunities.

B.P 1 Living in a racist community with a racist family can be quite challenging and ultimately limits one's freedom. In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff is introduced as a dirty gipsy and has a very difficult time being accepted into the family. Mr. Earnshaw does not have a problem with Heathcliff being a part of the family, unlike his wife and son. However, with a bit of time he is accepted by Catherine, but does not have as much freedom as she does. As Mr. Earnshaw stated when he first brought Heathcliff to Wuthering Heights “But you must e’en take it as a gift from God, though it’s as dark almost as if it …show more content…

The amount of money she gets paid for the amount of work that she does for a woman her age is definitely not what she deserves. If she were a white woman, for example Miss Skeeter, she would have many different job opportunities. She was not able to go to university, unlike Miss Skeeter, and missed out on many life changing opportunities. This shows how if Aibileen were a white woman she would have been a completely different person. The lack of opportunities that she has heavily impacts her identity and happiness. She is forced into being a maid because it is essentially the only choice that she has. However, it is a job that is very physically demanding and emotionally draining due to the amount of labour she has to do during, and the amount of disrespect she has to deal with on a day to day basis. She has to wake up everyday knowing that she does not earn as much as she should, and that she has to refrain from wanting to return to school or even switching jobs, which leads her to live a frustrating and unhappy

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