Heartless Love

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The Accident

Death. Blood. Murder. Hate. However, for all of those he had: Hope. A Savior. Love. All except one could be replace and that was blood. He craved it insanely and the fountain of the red beauty was coming out of his chest. However, our story does not start here for we have to go back in time to when this first began.

A regular Romeo and Juliet were they. Anthony was a 22-year-old Major in 1510 Switzerland. He had risen within the ranks quite quickly in 4 years, and had people twice his age under him. It was because of charisma, but he did not care about the rank, he just wanted to catch the eye of Marissa, the General’s daughter. However, he thought himself a monster. The first memory he had was blood covering his hands and pieces of human in his mouth. He knew that she would never marry such a monster.

He suddenly was jerked back to reality. “Major what do you think you’re doing?” demanded the General.

“Nothing sir.” said Anthony.

“Well nothing wont get you very far.” backfired the General.

Anthony did not care what he said. He could see Marissa in the background with her hair partly over her face the wind whipping it in her face. Her hand would push it out of her face. How he longed the caress of her hand against his. He did not even notice the general’s orders.

“You witch get up. I do not care who your daddy is you are apart of the army now and just because you can fool others. Don't think for a second you can fool Me.” furiously shouted the General. “Now get to work!”

He left but he just had to bring up his dad. So maybe he did not just go through the ranks because of charisma maybe his dad being a famous scholar might help.

His father a dark secret though. His father had experimented on him. H...

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... life had been one calculated show in which every aspect from his mother dying to him fighting his dad had been taped. He had in that moment made the decision to end it immediately. He did not want to have to deal with the terrible ordeals that he had.

He tried to reach in his sleeve and grab the substance he missed and it fell on the floor. Luckily, a single drop had gone into the cut opening. He felt a painful death as if he was on fire because it was a strong potion that any dose could kill you and the smaller the dose the less quickly. He was like that for an hour before someone checked on him. The venom had already circulated through his bloodstream. He was left there to die. For 5 nights and 6 days, he burned in agony and just when he thought it would stop it became worse. He eventually thought that he was dead but knew that his luck would not be that good.

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