Healthco Case Study

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HealthCo As a result of increasing competition and a decrease in membership numbers is attempting to improve staff performance in order to attract new customers. However management 's “top heavy” strategy combined with its resistance to change and views on different employees and managers in the workplace is damaging day to day operations. This damage is seen to be unappealing towards customers as many become enraged, “aggressive and abusive” as many leave the organisation. For example the staff came into work one morning and discovered that “computers and rates had been changed” with no warning given. This ill prepared approach leaves little time for staff to prepare, limiting the customer experience resulting in the decrease of members. If no action is taken to address this issue than HealthCo’s image will continue to become damaged as they lose customers to competitors. Communication goals should be set in order to assist management in the process of learning how to communicate effectively towards staff as well …show more content…

Allowing change to occur in the workplace will allow for the introduction of new Communication techniques and motivational theories. By building the relationships between employees and allowing a smooth flow of information related to their job and position at the company employees will be better able to create a premium experience for their customers. As discussed by Esther Cameron and Mike Green in Making sense of change management, “resistance comes from a fear of the unknown or a need for things to remain stable” however as the company 's research has shown their position in the industry is not stable, resulting in their decrease of clients and revenue. If unchecked this will result in HealthCo’s demise as competitors adopts new methods which appeal to their customers slowly taking marketshare away from

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