Health Care in the Buddha, Sikh and Baha’i Faiths

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Introduction The understanding of health and the process of healing in regard to the religious belief of individuals goes beyond the realm of spirituality (Suzanne, 2008). Health is believed by every religion as the most important value at which insights can be created, and as well a practical means at which the health of individuals can be promoted. The secular perspective of religion is considered a contributing factor which broadens the unique religious contribution and individual’s concern to spiritual dimensions. However, the essay to be discussed is on the issue of the spiritual perspective of individuals from different religious faith, and our main religious focus will be on the Buddhist religion, Sikh religion and the Baha’i religious faith. Elaborations will also be made on the practices that hasten healing practice on each of these faiths and the role of healthcare providers in the provision of care to these patients. Spiritual Perspective of Healing by Buddhists The Buddhist perspective of health and healing is basically on the concept of spiritual involvement, imaging and meditation (Penit, 2008). Visualization is another way of meditative practice by the Buddhists and it can be used both in the process of healing and on the spiritual development of individuals. In visualization, individuals involved in this practice does not need to understand the words (pali words), instead, it was noted that the calming and soothing of a person’s mind can only occur by just listening to the vibration sounds or visualizing a vivid image of Buddha (Penit, 2008). Moreover, the utilization of the meditative techniques used by the Buddhists along with medical treatments can be used in healing many chronic diseases like h... ... middle of paper ... ... should always be carried out by healthcare providers in other to understand the spiritual need and practices of their patients, thus promoting their health. MacEoin, D. (1992). The Sources for Early Babi Doctrine and History. Leiden: E. J. Brill. Miller, W. M. (1978). The Baha’i Faith: Its History and Teachings. South Pasadena, California:William Carey Library. Penit, R. (2008). Dharma Word. Health Disease and Healing: The Buddhist Contribution. Puchalski, C. (2006). Creating healing environments. Health Progress, 87(3), 30-35. Rajinder, S. M., Bhai, M. S., & Araryat, S. (2000). Health- Comprehensive Guide- Sikh patients’ protocol for Healthcare Providers. Metropolitan Chicago Council. Suzanne, C. S & Brenda, G. B (2008).Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (11th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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