Health And Social Care Internship Reflection

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For interns, supervision is addressed by attending weekly meetings with our supervisor. During these weekly meeting, the intern discusses their learning contract with their supervisor. In addition, the supervisor goes over the expectations of the interns. Lastly, these meetings are an opportunity for the intern and supervisor to discuss any concerns the supervisor or intern have in the agency and/or internship. I have enjoyed meeting weekly with Richelle, as she always answers my questions thoroughly. As for employed workers at Wright County, they do a monthly one on one meeting with the supervisor. Lastly, I am always under the supervision of my mentor, Tammy. Tammy has been the one to teach me the Children’s Mental Health Outreach position, …show more content…

I have always loved mental health, and I have never passed judgement on the clients we service because I know the value of having services in place to help deal with mental illness. As far as diversity goes, most of our clients are white. Therefore, I have not had the opportunity yet to engage with a client that is racially or culturally different than I am. All the workers in our unit seem unbiased; therefore, I have not encountered any of the isms. So far, my ideas about a certain population have not changed because my own values have not been challenged. While talking with my supervisor, I told her that my biggest struggle will be when I should work with a client that has been in a domestic relationship because I struggle with understanding how a man could hit a woman. My supervisor told me that I should talk to the client and try to understand why they are the way are, as most behaviors are learned. Therefore, it will be interesting to see how I interact with men that have physically hurt their significant other. I have read and written a lot of child protection reports on domestic abuse; however, I have never had to work one on one with a client that has done the abuse. Because Wright County is not well-diverse, I have yet to be challenged by other populations that I am unfamiliar with. Overall, I hope I get the opportunity to work with a population I am unfamiliar with because I love …show more content…

She indicated that last year a group of social workers attended a meeting in Saint Cloud, regarding the LGBT community. The social workers that attended this training received a safe space symbol to put in the office space, since they have received special training. In addition, the social workers are encouraged to attend MSSA and MACMH conferences to listen to various lectures. My supervisor advised me that she recently did a training on domestic violence. This training helped workers understand how to interact with clients that have been in a domestic violence. However, my supervisor informed me it has been awhile since they have offered diversity trainer to their workers because Wright County is

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