Head Chef Research Paper

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What are they going to say ? What are they going to do ? I remember those exact thought when I was sitting in front of my parents the day of the student led conferences. My first couple of weeks I worked hard; I stayed up late, turned in my work so I can prove my parents wrong when they starting to doubt me. " Pass all my classes with a C or higher," were the goals I wrote on every packet for conferences. I never felt so happy, so relieved to show my parents what I'm truly capable of. That was the day I was most proud of, it was a spark that lit up the fire I've been trying to turn on for the past 2 years. A little more effort was all I needed to do better. This semester as a junior my classes were honestly difficult. One class that …show more content…

In this class I completed a job shadow project, where we had to think about our career: find a location and a person we could contact and convince them to let us observe them for their day. Right off the bat I know I wanted to be a chef in the future so I got to finding restaurants and schools , when I started to loose hope the unexpected happened and I got enough responses. My day started off at Los Angeles Mission College Culinary Arts Program where I got to meet the head chef of the whole program. My next stop was at the Academy of Culinary Arts where I got to watch a Chef teach a class and even try what they were making. Lastly I got to visit 2 very different but in their own way unique restaurants , the first one being Rocamar Seafood Restaurant where I got to meet the funniest cooks in the kitchen. The second one being Hugo's Restaurant, where I got to see the cooks in action standing next to the Executive Chef run his kitchen. As you can see this project has allowed me to grow in the area of …show more content…

I had the chance to visit UCLA and USC, overall it was a very nice experience because we got to explore the campus on our own and get a feel of what it's like to be on our own, feeling like a college student for a couple hours. Visiting USC was exciting and in a way unexpected because of the way the student there actually treated us. Like we were there and they wanted to talk to us. UCLA was something else, since it was a bigger campus we expected the people there to be friendly and nice but it was the opposite. We were ignored and looked at funny at the end we asked for directions and the student lost us , we got to our destination but had to run back because we were already late. Overall it was a funny yet fun experience , with this field trip I got a chance to Investigate the world by seeing how it's like to walk around in a college campus, experiencing it instead of watching it online in a virtual tour. We got to ask questions to get us where we wanted, go inside buildings , take pictures really getting to do it ourselves. It was an amazing opportunity to be independent and see what it's like to be a college student running around trying to find the correct

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