Hazing In High School

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Hazing is when members of an organization are forced to perform various embarrassing or self-objectifying acts. Only one in ten students will realize they have been hazed. Hazing has become an increasing problem for high school and college students. Most teenagers do not recognize the abuse and dangers of hazing. Little is know about the student’s currency of hazing behaviors (Gershel, p.333-35). Hazing in high school can have a sexual emphasis on boys. Common hazing in high school boys is embarrassing and humiliating other boys by calling them gay and giving them inappropriate nicknames. This can cause sexual attacks between boys and girls. They’re especially outrageous when it comes to masculine sports. As a result girls begin to undergo …show more content…

Members do not have a natural instinct to haze but are usually in opportunities to administer power over new members. By creating an environment where new and existing members can discuss their experiences. If you plan your activities and let members discuss and understand their roles this would reduce the making of poor and irrational decisions. New members are less likely to speak out because they feel alone and one member speaking out could encourage others. Consider multiple solutions to problems and increase creativity. Consider the new activities as a new tradition. Create and distribute an anti-hazing policy. Provide examples of non-acceptable activities and create sanctions for those who disobey the policy. Discuss hazing-related incidents and strategies to reduce hazing. (“Ways to Stop Hazing”, …show more content…

The hazed can go through physical, emotional, and mental instability. They experience sleep deprivation, loss of sense of control and empowerment, declining grades, and coursework. Their relationships with friends, family, and significant others suffer. Post traumatic stress syndrome, loss of respect for and interest in being apart of the organization, erosion of trust within the group members, and illness or hospitalization with additional effects on family and friends are some of the most severe effects of hazing. Despite the various symptoms, the hazed is not limited to experiencing these (“Consequences of Hazing”,

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