Haunted House Research

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In my research on haunted houses and ghosts, I use the book The Mystery of Haunted Houses by: Chris Oxlade.Did you know that one of the most haunted houses is known as the Weir House in Edinburgh, Scotland. I believe that ghosts are real even though some might be fake. In this essay, you will learn all about Parapsychologist, Telekinesis, Types of ghosts, the spirit of Abraham Lincoln and more information on the once the most haunted house the Weir House. What does a parapsychologist do, and what is Telekinesis. I can answer those questions for you. A parapsychologist is people who study events that cannot be explained by present-day science they believe in the spirits of how dead people live and can affect living people. Some parapsychologists believe that some have the natural ability to pick up signals from the dead. Next telekinesis is the ability of a person to be able to move objects without touching it and only using mind power. Experiments have been done to see if telekinesis is actually possible to do but studies have been conclusive. A poltergeist is a spirit that is able to use telekinesis. This answers the questions what parapsychologists do and what telekinesis is and a what spirits are called that have the ability. …show more content…

First, most ghost noises are realistic noises from mostly the plumbing, wooden frames, and the weather. As the ground and building foundations move, the house will creak and crack. The movements are too small to be felt. Also underground tunnels mainly sewers can cause a lot of sounds and echoes. Ghostly echoes happen when sound bounces off a boundary, such as the air between the rock. In some theaters actors us a sheet of glass on stage using reflection to make the theater look haunted. These can be facts that can show that ghosts might be

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