Hate Crimes In The Weimar Era

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There are a lot of issues that deal with the hate Jews’ crimes were under to protected by the Weimar constitution during the Weimar era, due to the state of Weimar is incapable handle the problem affected the worldwide the great depression, which eventually resulted as Hitler’s and Nazi party came to the power due to then civilian of Germany largely thought Hitler and his party have ability to solve the issue aftermath and which finally caused the a plenty of the anti-Semitism happened in the Germany during the Weimar era under this circumstance that encourage the development of anti-Semitism, and later on the Jews were blamed stab-in-the-back legend, being parasites and miserable state of affairs in Germany Marxists and for being the very people behind World War I which caused extensiveness incident of anti-Semitism happened within the Germany’s territory during the Weimar era. …show more content…

In contrast with the contemporary hate crime, the only differently matter should unlike the Hitler’s age, there are less killing event, but however the anti-religious crimes are still a worldwide ongoing

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