Has Religion Taught Me

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What Religious Education Has Taught Me Life at a Christian school teaches students how to live out their faith. I would not be the person I am today if I had not grown up receiving a exceptional academic and religious education. Learning in a religious environment is a unique experience that has made me strong in my beliefs, conscious of the beliefs of others, and able to communicate and relate to people of all backgrounds. Learning in a religious environment has made me strong in my beliefs. I am a non-Catholic Christian that attends a Catholic school. Although some of my beliefs differ from those who practice Catholicism, I have grown to respect the Catholic belief system. Growing up I was made to question my beliefs while studying the …show more content…

Religious study is largely the study of history, at least the history of your particular religion. However, for Christians, studying the history of our religion encompasses more than just Christianity. Christianity is largely based on the Jewish religion. The Jewish people await a savior that they do not believe has come yet. In fact, early Christian people were Jews whom believed that their God had incarnated himself or became human and walked on earth. These people formed the modern beliefs of Judeo-Christians. In addition, Christians still study the Jewish scripture or texted called the Torah. Similarly, Muslims study a very closely related compellation of ancient writings called the Quran. These akin religious groups demonstrate the need to compare Christianity to other religions, especially those from which it originates. When comparing other religions and belief systems a person develops an understanding and possibly even a sympathy for people of other faiths. My religious education has taught me about other religions and cultures, has given me a respect for other beliefs systems, and has trained me to be an open minded, loving, yet devout, unwavering

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