Harry Potter Archetype Essay

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It is natural for people to think that it is improbable for all humans to agree on one idea. However, every individual derives the same meaning when introduced to an archetype. Archetypes are repeated universal themes which everyone comprehends regardless their gender, age, religion, race, and etc. These reiterated concepts are shown in stories as human characteristics, symbols, experiences, or situations. The purpose of the literary use of archetypes is so writers can grab the reader's attention by giving readers the ability to personally connect with the story. Archetypes add realism to stories which result in better comprehension of the characters and plot. They also make the message the author is trying to get across more apparent. There …show more content…

The young training wizard, Harry Potter, is sent on a journey to figure out the reason behind the unusual acts happening at his Hogwarts School. The journey is one archetype seen in many kinds of literature which represent the struggles a Hero faces as he/she try to reach their goal of finding a solution to his/her problem. Harry Potter's journey can be compared to a medical student's journey because both require a lot of time, strength, persistence, and patience. In the real world, a lot of journeys are under looked at because people don't often realize the amount or work people puts into them. This information can cause people to appreciate others' efforts more often. Another archetype in Harry Potter is the initiates which are young people who are in the process of becoming future heroes with training. Harry's two best friends who can also be considered sidekicks are all innocent to start with. As young as they are, they are still training to become better wizards every day. It amazes readers how Harry and his friends are able to undergo such a life-threatening quest. Just like Harry and his friends, there are many kids in the real world who have surprised the human society with their excellent skills at such a young age. This helps people understand that younger people are capable of doing many of the same things older people do. It is important that …show more content…

All the stories discussed in this essay have one thing in common which are archetypes. All these archetypes are used so readers can easily connect the characters and situations in the text to people and experiences in the real world. The protagonists in almost all the stories are considered heroes in their own ways. They all go on quests to fulfill their own tasks. Beowulf is a hero because his brave actions in battle are able to restore peace in his kingdom. On Beowulf's quest, he is in search of pride and respect and he receives this by defeating Grendel. However, Grendel wouldn't be considered a hero because he didn't perform any risky task in order to help others. But Grendel did go on a quest to look for the purpose of his life. Luke from Star Wars would be considered a hero because he was able to help the rebel station by completing the hard task of destroying the death star. He accomplishes his goal when he goes on a quest searching for Princess Leia. And lastly, Harry Potter is considered a hero because he successfully fulfills his tasks on his quest to discover the mystery behind the Chamber of Secrets. With this information, it can be concluded that all stories have universal appeal to

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