Harriet Tubman's Speech

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen! We are gathered here for the grand opening of Moses Academy, an all-boys training camp for, not the military, but for a positive reform onto our society and nation. Not only are we introducing a reform towards the personality of our young men, but we’re here to honor THE Harriet Tubman. I’m referring to that same Harriet Tubman that conquered all the odds just to help slaves, to whom she was connected by faith, connected by blood in an indirect way, connected by the color of their skin, connected by the harsh reality of today. I’m talking about THE Harriet Tubman that, despite being “free”, she took the initiative to help those who weren’t. Despite being “free”, she motivated the ones who couldn’t handle …show more content…

But, all they need is a push, and to provide that boost, Moses Academy is always there! The boys who would attend this camp would not only benefit themselves, but they would benefit their kids, their grandkids, their great-grandkids, their great-great grandkids, their great-great-great grandkids, and so forth and so on! You’re probably asking yourself this question; “Why is this opportunity only for boys?” This is because Tubman WAS a boy! She was a boy named Moses. She was that same “boy” that was running off slaves. She was the same “boy” that was on the “Wanted” list. She was the same “boy” whose stories were described as “fantastic, and unbelievable”. She was the same “boy” that was unknown to many people. She was the same “boy” that was believed to be fake and unreal. So, this is why I’m opening this inconceivable camp for our generation, and the future generations to come. In other words, this camp is celebrating Harriet Tubman as a human, as a “man”, as an African American Woman, as a brave human being that performed the bravery, no one else has mastered as of yet. Last, but not least, We are celebrating Tubman as making the impossible,

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