Harmony Within Diversity Must Be Nurtured And Cherished

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Based on the statement above , I totally agree that harmony within diversity must be nurtured and cherished. Diversity can be defined as the diverse or different in cultures, races or religions. The phrase diversity can also refer to having different people with different in many aspects respect each other's differences. The phrase " diversity" is also sometimes used to mean the variety of human societies, or in the world as a whole. As we all know, our world made of different countries with different races of people. But, we all live in peace and enjoy the harmony between us. For example, Malaysian can be a good friend with Australian without any fight because we respect each other’s cultures .So, in my opinion, harmony within diversity must be nurtured and cherished. Therefore, a question starts to appear in my thinking box. What are the importance for us to maintain the harmony and what will be the …show more content…

It seem have many positive feedback from the people of Malaysia of all races as well as to strengthen national unity based on the concept of One Malaysia. Therefore, it is clearly shown that harmony within diversity must be nurtured as well as cherished. Harmonious that we enjoy now is not already there since we are in this world. It is done by our hard work to maintain it. We had always foster our relationship between different countries so that we can enjoy the peace in us. To talk about nurturing the harmony within diversity, we must take a responsibility to maintain it. For example, Harmony Day is held every year on 21 March to coincide with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Australia. Not only this, Racial Harmony Day is also celebrated annually on 21 July in Singapore. These few examples can clearly prove that we did try many ways to maintain the harmony that we enjoy

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