Hand Washing Case Studies

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Teamwork- All participant's in this scenario failed to adequately communicate their concerns not only to one another, but they didn't use their critical thinking, they doubted their gut. Worst of all they didn't speak up! What need's to be known is that questioning certain things is a must when it comes to doing what's best for each patient. Proper critical thinking includes the ability to question care and follow the right paths to ensure that wellness/health remains intact.

Communication- As mentioned above, the communication between health care professionals is what can stop tragedy in its tracks. The symptoms would have been brought up and dealt with instead of letting the patient get septic. The unit director was busy in this scenario, …show more content…

Any infection, HAI (hospital acquired infections) or ones brought in from the outside world, can be transmitted from patient to patient if proper hand-washing is neglected. Patient's such as the father-daughter pair, when given the correct information, can make good choices about hand-washing. The daughter asked good questions, and the nurse reinforced the hand-washing procedures, which is an appropriate exchange to gain patient and their families trust.

Vaccination against the flu- Talking with patient's about the flu vaccine is important. It prevent's a lot of issues with the ones that receive it and the ones around them who will get this vaccine. Information/education must be given to plant the seed that will expand to a broader knowledge of how to stay prevent preventable communicable diseases.

Appropriate use of antibiotics- Overuse of antibiotics is a huge problem. Being that I have worked in a lab, I have seen the importance of doing confirmation cultures and sensitivities. This is the only way to be certain that the correct antibiotic is being used for correct infection/bacteria. Super resistant bacteria can become a major problem if the correct antibiotic is

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