Halloween Memory Short Story

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Halloween Memories I looked out the window of our apartment on Jenkins St. It was getting dark already, It was only 5:00. I walk to the living room and Zequoia, Tamiya, and Thomas were putting their costumes on. Zequoia was a Bumble Bee, Tamiya was a Butterfly, Thomas was Iron Man, and I was a Vampire. We all get in the car and our mom drives us to Holy Land. We get to the first house. It’s dark creepy, and has a black casket in the yard. “This is scary Lex” Tamiya said. “Yeah, I Know, but we want candy so let's go!” I said. We rung the doorbell, and the casket plays creepy music as it opens. I walk over to the casket. “No don’t go over there” Thomas said. I look in the casket and a skeleton popped up. We all ran to the car. We wanted to rest for a minute, so we went to our Grandma and Grandpa house on Rosemary Ave. We walk to the back yard, and see Catryna, Lil Tony, J,vaun and Grandpa Ben carving pumpkins. We wanted to carve pumpkins too, so we carved our own design. We gathered our pumpkins and sit on the porch and take pictures. …show more content…

After that we went to the church on Cobweb Drive, that Mrs. Cardwell invited us to. We ate chilli, fruit, hot dogs, burgers, and chips. Zequoia, Tamiya, Thomas and I played games and did activities at the church. We picked partners to this racing activity with. I picked my cousin Lauren to be my partner. The racing activity was whoever gets to the end of the tunnel first wins. We grabbed our flash lights and

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