Haitian Revolution Vs French Revolution Research Paper

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The French Revolution vs The Haitian Revolution
Both very influential revolutions, the French and Haitian revolutions drew similarities, like using violence in order to gain freedom and being inspired by The Age of Enlightenment and its ideals to form new rights. The two revolutions were similar in some ways but they also differed quite a bit, like to resist the French rejected religion and took power away from the church, while the Haitians embraced Vodou as a way to take control and resist their oppressors. Another big difference was the The French Revolution happened internally, the French people overthrew their own government but, the Haitian revolution was external, as they were trying to gain freedom from the French. The Haitian Revolution ended up being the more significant of the two, since it was the first successful slave revolt.
Similarity 1
Both the French and Haitian revolutions resulted in lots of bloodshed in order to achieve their goal. During The French Revolution, The Reign of Terror was perhaps the greatest example of violence. During this time anyone found guilty of being an enemy of the revolution was executed by guillotine, causing many unnecessary deaths and chaos. The …show more content…

The colony of Haiti was created to use slave labor to increase France’s economy by growing crops. I think this was a big factor in The Haitian Revolution because the French needed the Haitians to work a lot more then the Haitians needed the French for housing or food (The Haitians had even started to run their own small farms and grow their own food.) Differing from the Haitians, The French Revolution was the French people taking over their own government, by overthrowing the long reigning monarchy and creating a new set of Rights (The Declaration of the Rights of

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