Gun Shots-Personal Narrative

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I couldn’t believe this day was finally here. I would get my high school diploma and get out of this town forever. I was finally going to get the chance that I had been waiting for so many years. I was going to start a brand new life, someplace away from here, where no one knew me. As my mind was lost in plans of the future, I tuned out my surroundings, until, a loud noise snapped me out of my thoughts.
I jumped and screamed my lungs out. Who was crazy enough to bring fireworks to an indoor event like this? That was my first thought.
But things took a turn for the worse as the sound repeated itself over and over. Suddenly, it registered in my mind. “Gun shots!” I screamed, my entire body spasmming and jerking with each shot. How many were …show more content…

I didn’t even know if anyone had called the police. They should have been here by now, shouldn’t they?
As I took a step back, someone slammed into me, making me fall on my face. A sharp pain lanced the side of one of my legs and I whimpered. When I lifted my head, I saw the back of Mr. Moller’s head. He was walking around as if he owned the place and showing his true colors. No doubt the shooting had unhitched him, or could he be the shooter?
I knew it! I thought terrified. The guy was a killer. From the first time I entered his classroom, I knew there was something terribly wrong with him. His vive was that of a sociopath with a hidden agenda. I tried to stay away from him as much as possible, but being friends with Jenna, the outcast girl of the school, that was impossible. He was out to get us both kicked out of the school for questionable reputations.
I slowly got to my feet. My leg was really hurting, but I didn’t want to look down for fear of what I would find.
I heard Jenna’s dad call for her and heard her frivolous mother expressing her concerns for Jenna’s boyfriend.
My mouth twisted in dislike. She was such a cold hearted woman. I couldn’t stand her, yet again, I could hardly stand

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