Mass Shootings and the Gun Control Debate

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In today's society, there are a lot of strange, unexplainable events that occur on a daily basis. So far this year, there were about 352 mass shootings. That's almost one every day of the year. Some of them got more news coverage than others, for example the San Bernardino massacre, which occurred only a few days ago. One of the biggest questions that has come up in light of recent events is how to address the gun control situation. Something must be done. First things first, it's necessary to understand what exactly it was that happened. At eleven A.M. on December 2nd, 2015, Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik stormed a party at the Inland Regional Health Center dressed in black tactical gear, equipped with assault rifles, pistols, pipe bombs, and more than 1,600 extra rounds of ammunition. They opened fire upon a large group of civilians. They fired about 60-75 .223 caliber assault rifle rounds. 35 people were shot that day, of which fourteen people were killed and the rest were severely wounded.
The two perpetrators fled to a black SUV and then engaged the police in a gun fight. In the end, both of them were shot and killed. During the gun fight, two police officers were wounded; one with a gunshot wound and the other with lacerations to his leg due to glass shrapnel. According to Christian Social Teaching, it is never okay to …show more content…

Some people are for the increase on gun-laws and regulations, and others aren’t. Regardless of what some people’s opinion might be, something has to be done. Whether it be in deciding to make sure everyone who wants to buy a gun has to undergo an extensive background check or the government deciding to regulate how many guns one person is allowed to have in their possession, either one of those would have a major impact on the total number of mass shootings that occur

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