Analysis Of Clay Shirky's Article The Political Power Of Social Media

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The political atmosphere has significantly changed over the years, along with the developments in the area of technology and mass media communication. The advances in this area have provided the opportunity for the civil society to get politically involved and the ability to engage in debate about the current issues. This will be discussed using Clay Shirky’s article The Political Power of Social Media – Technology, the Public Sphere and Political Change, as a lens to look at media communication and technology influence on a particular political movement of high current interest and importance, the gun control debate. However, this influence and impact is only possible when the population has complete freedom to use the Internet, which is not …show more content…

The instrumental view discusses that the key to freedom is the access to technology and information, incorrectly taking importance from the ability to provide feedback and access public discussion about that information. On the other hand, the environmental view raises importance about the previously mentioned public sphere, focusing on feedback and interaction between individuals within a society as the most influential aspect for the discussion of political opinions, ultimately leading to political change. Shirky’s article even discusses the inability to cause political change if the environmental approach is not adopted, “The environmental view assumes that little political change happens without the dissemination and adoption of ideas and opinions in the public sphere.” (Shirky, C., 2011, p. 35) However, Shirky discusses that, to embrace this last approach, we must focus on long-term effects, even if that means going through some short-term …show more content…

Gun control, in the United States especially, is an issue of high current relevance and it has become of great importance to address it immediately. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have measured that more than 33,000 people die each year as a result of firearms in the United States. As of February 21st of 2018, a total of 34 mass shootings had occurred. And the numbers keep rising at a vertiginous speed. Communication media aid in the spread of this information, but the most important part is that they provide a platform for discussion and proposal of ideas, powered by the pain and frustration of the relatives and friends of the victims, that could be implemented towards gun control. However, after the particular incident, eventually the silence reigns again. However, there has been a recent shooting in Parkland, Florida, that had a stronger impact than

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