Gulf by Robert Westall

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Gulf by Robert Westall

Gulf by Robert Westall is a breathtaking novel seen through the eyes

of a boy named Tom. In this story Tom gives a recount of the past

events of his life during the Gulf war. In this essay I will be

looking closely at Tom’s little brother Andy A.K.A Figgis and how he

and his family change during this book. This story revolves around a

boy named Figgis who has the strange supernatural ability to look into

other people’s lives; in their eyes. The problem starts when Figgis

starts to see the life of a small boy soldier in Iraq. The boy named

Latif slowly takes over Figgis’ body.

Figgis is strange but smart character which makes him very

interesting. The thing that makes Figgis slightly different from other

people is his special ability to see what other people are seeing many

miles away. Figgis is brought up in a mainstream family who care very

much for him. Figgis’ brother Tom cares about him the most as they

share a special bond. The bond was created from the minute Figgis was

born. The relationship happened because; before Figgis was born ...

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