Group Synthesis Essay

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By reading these two articles “Heavy” by Robert Kurson and “Solitude and Leadership” by William Deresiewicz it left me with allot of thoughts about how does being alone help you in a group and is it okay to be different from others. The question that I am supposed to answer is what does Solitude and Openness have to do with engagement in an intellectual and social community? Solitude means the lack of contact with others. I think that Intellectual community means a group of individuals who spend significant time engaging with each other. A social community means that there is a group of people who think alike connected by an interaction or common thought.
I think that the main point of the first article about solitude and leadership is …show more content…

If we had the same opinion on everything then it would be pretty boring. I think that the whole point of this article is saying that it’s okay to be different than others and also by accepting yourself, which leads to being open with others. I think that by accepting yourself and who you are that other people will have a easier time accepting you. Sometimes it is hard to accept yourself because others could be making fun of you for being different just like what happened to Robert Earl Hughes for being overweight. I have also struggled with being different than other people with learning and going to school. When I was younger I knew that I didn’t learn like the other people in my grade. It was taking me longer to understand what the passage or the teacher was asking me to do. I found out that I had a learning disability called Attention Deficit Disorder. I knew that I couldn’t let that stop me so I began to work hard with everything that I enjoy to do. I blocked out the people who said that I couldn’t do something and I worked hard to prove them wrong. I have come along way because of my dedication to work hard in everything that I enjoy doing. I think that the author wrote “Heavy” because he wanted to tell everyone to embrace being different because if everyone was the same there would be no individuality in the world and it would be very

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