Group Development: Bruce Tuckman's Five Stages

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Group Development has five stages. Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Another stage was later added which is Adjourning. These stages where identified by Bruce Tuckman in 1965. Forming is the first stage of the group that takes place. During the Forming stage, group members are usually excited to be part of the group and eager about the work ahead. In the Storming stage, different ideas compete for consideration. The group addresses issues such as what problems they are really supposed to solve, how they will function independently and together and what leadership model they will accept. The group may enter the Norming stage. The group addresses issues such as what problems they are really supposed to solve, how they will function …show more content…

Factors like gender, communication skills, and life experiences. Because gender play a part, some like to use assertive conflict modes. Communication skills fall in this category because the lack of communication sometimes causes conflicts. According to Bethel University, “Indeed, conflict management skills are not just desirable, they are necessary for effective workplace communication” (Bethel University, 2008). Having the knowledge and experiencing conflict situations, it make handling conflicts easy to deal with because one have already experienced this in life so they know how to handle it properly. The more one learn how to handle conflict situations the better one become at mastering it. This will keep down confusion and drama. It will make the day smooth without indulging into …show more content…

He stated that people learn in two different steps, inputting information and process information. The Learning Theory defines experiential learning as: ‘the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience’ and is continuous (Kolb 1984). (Chan, 2012) In this cycle, there are four cycles. Concrete Experience (CE) Participates in an experience, Reflective Observation (RO) Makes sense of the experience, Abstract Conceptualization (AC) Makes generalizations, develops theories, Active Experimentation (AE) Implements new action experiments with new ways. Also, there are four definition types of learning. Accommodators (CE/AE) Learn primarily by hands-on, Diverger (CE/RO) Observe rather than take action, Assimilators (AC/RO) Focus more on abstract ideas and concepts than people, and Converger (AE) Practical application of

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