Groundspeed Analysis

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It can be said that a journey implies…revelation, not only of the physical but of the historical, human and spiritual dimension of the regions to which [these] journeys have led. Through the thought provoking works of Rosemary Laing’s Groundspeed (Red Piazza) #2, Janet Laurence’s transcendent Deep Breathing (Resuscitation for the Reef) and Khadim Ali’s Untitled (2013-2014), this concept of journey in terms of spirituality and space is explored. This theme is evident through the manipulation of the diverse media in which these artists work. Through this connection with place and material, all three artists effectively question the audience’s perception of journey and how such journeys can be considered …metaphors for life itself. Rosemary Laing’s …show more content…

In the artwork, the bright carpet contrasts with the untamed nature of the forest, despite the obvious link with nature through the floral motifs. This highlights the destruction and attempted integration of nature with the artificial. Here, Laing has played on typical domestic floor covering by combining nature and contemporary living, re-inventing the mundane habit of hanging images of nature in our households and replicating its patterns in decor. This is a tongue in cheek comment on society’s journey of living in the natural environment and society’s isolation from it, exemplified by the way it is used as something that is not valued but rather is just decorative. Additionally, the introduction of man-made materials into a natural environment and its subsequent contrast through the complimentary red and green hues of the carpet and rainforest …heighten the tone and conceptual vigour of the union (Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2006). Furthermore, this contrast created through the inclusion of ornamental and extravagant carpet in such a raw natural environment challenges the values of beauty. Despite this tense contrast, Laing has managed to harmonise both elements by meticulously and intricately interweaving the carpet with …show more content…

This contemporary installation obliterates the ‘rules’ of traditional art, comprising unconventional media and a fully immersive environment. This ethereal artwork is comprised of glass units holding glass beakers, jars, containers and petri dishes, elegantly showcasing a variety of sea life and specimens, ranging from coral, sea sponges, shells and a myriad of sea creatures such as fish and starfish. These bleached objects (often suspended in liquid) lay amongst stark white bone fragments and unidentifiable objects wrapped in cloth, often connected by tangling masses of clear medical tubing. Laurence’s choice to place her installation on a mirror backed surface causes the light to bounce from the installation space fragmenting, replicating and distorting images of the objects the shelves display. The use of a reflective floor also adds an ethereal quality to Deep Breathing (Resuscitation for the Reef), as the nearby projection of rich turquoise scenes of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef introduces a rich array of colour into her artwork. Through this, Laurence has created contrast though this juxtaposition of the starkly white and lifeless objects and transparent glass with the bold hues of the projection. In Deep Breathing (Resuscitation for the Reef) the themes of

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