Gregor Sacrifice In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis

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In Franz Kafka’s short story Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman supporting his elderly parents and younger sister, wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a large insect. Upon seeing him, his family is horrified, and banish him to his room to live off of scraps, eventually leaving him to die. Though Gregor has sacrificed much of his life for his family, they cannot sacrifice their happiness for his when he needs it the most. Through the sacrifices made or not made by the characters, the ills of modern society and people are revealed.
After the family business goes bankrupt, Gregor picks up the slack to pay off his parents’ debt by taking a job as a traveling salesman. Though he hates the early mornings and tedious travel, he does so anyways because he knows his family is counting on him. His family, content with living off the fruit of his labors, do nothing to help contribute financially as well, though all are well and able too. When he turns into an insect and is unable to work, they are all able to find employment, demonstrating that they did not require Gregor to strain himself so hard for them. Gregor sacrifices his hopes and dreams for his future for his family, as well as his happiness, for hardly anything in return. He is generous and selfless, and this quality is taken advantage of by his …show more content…

Gregor, who works tirelessly to keep his family comfortable, is willing to sacrifice everything, including his life for his loved ones. Unfortunately, this noble quality is taken advantage of by his family, who are unwilling to match the sacrifices he made. When applied to society, this unappreciative family can be likened to the increasingly faced past, industrialized, capitalist world. Those who are willing to sacrifice are often taken advantage of by the greedy and selfish. In Gregor Samsa’s case, he gave up all he had for those who viewed him through a lens of

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