The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka: The Necessity of Communication and Support

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In The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka, Gregor’s evolution to an insect symbolizes the loss of thorough communication, representing the disconnection of the individual from his family and his surroundings. Through this metamorphosis, the once loving family begins to remove itself from any past interactions with Gregor. In addition, the setting and surroundings of Gregor completely overcome him and persuade him to lose hope. The family and surroundings, not the change to an insect, lead Gregor towards death. Not only do the uncontrollable surroundings change Gregor, but so does the family.

Gregor’s entrapment inside of the bedroom forces the realization of the isolation and alienation from society into his mind. Gregor’s life as an insect takes place in an apartment in a city. The setting forces Gregor to contemplate the reality and meaning of life. The location of a hospital across the street from Gregor begins Gregor’s questioning. He wonders why his family does nothing and how he can live close to a hospital and not get any help. Kafka applies irony to the presence of the hospital and begins Gregor’s downfall and loss of hope in returning to a normal life. Also, the window itself portrays how close, yet how far he remains from safety. The bedroom contains his body and completely controls the rest of his life. Later on, hiding in the dark becomes a routine, “And he scuttled under the coach again” (Kafka 23). The bedroom becomes too much, and he can only feel comfortable and safe while hiding under furniture. His hiding prohibits any communication with anyone, and forces him into solitary confinement. The space of the room eventually leads Gregor to flee into safer areas, yet at the same time ends all contact and communication w...

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...within the story completely alienates Gregor from his family and the reality of life. The ironic setting, the family, specifically Grete, and the presence of the violin playing all contribute to Gregor’s downfall caused by the inability to communicate. Gregor’s struggle to converse both begins and ends his downfall, yet people, surroundings, and objects spark his depression. Kafka emphasizes the true importance of communicating and how society depends on it. The inability to properly communicate combined with uncontrollable factors often relates to the destruction of families in our modern society. Focus less on the world’s distractions and more on the people that need the most support, because many never know when others need to express themselves and require insight.

Works Cited

Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis. Trans. Stanley Corngold. New York: Bantam, 1972.

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