Greek Theater Chorus

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"Chorus in Greek Theater." Encyclopedia of Ancient Literature, Second Edition. Facts On File, 2014. Ancient and Medieval History Online. Web. 16 Nov. 2015. A typical chorus is a group of singers usually performing with an orchestra, and is refer to by most people in modern day time as a choir. In Ancient Greek a chorus is usually consist of a group of men who would sang and danced. According to Facts On File “s Greek theater had its origins in religious liturgy, the chorus also sprang from associated ritual occasions and participated in both tragic and comic performances.” Greek theater can be compared the most to opera because of the characteristic that it holds. The choral parts were chanted then followed by danced with either half or the …show more content…

"Drama and Theater in the Ancient World." Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World. Facts On File, 2007. Ancient and Medieval History Online. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. In the early ancient time people preformed without scripts or line. Bogucki states “The nature of these performances was often dictated by geography.” They were very spontaneous. Their performances occurred to celebrate victory in battle, births marriages, and also as well to mourn the dead, or fertility. When it comes to theater it was based off religious elements. The performance where made to honor or appease a God. In India the earliest performances where based off sacred texts. Dramatic presentations became common in Ancient India, Japan, and China. They often used makeup, mask, costumes, and other conventions. Most performances where done outside. The theaters resembled modern time. According to Bogucki “The development of theater as the word is understood in modern times began with the ancient Greeks and Roman.” A lot of the plays performed by the ancient Greeks where Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. The Greeks distinguish tragedies and comedies with comic play. The Ancient Romans continued the Greeks tradition. The Romans as well performed the Greeks play, but produced their own …show more content…

"Theater in Ancient Greece." Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World, Third Edition. Facts On File, 2015. Ancient and Medieval History Online. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. Although many cultures in the modern day have their own preferences in way to perform theater, tragedy and comedy was started by the Greek. The Greek mainly perform stories considered to be myth. The most common plays were comedies and tragedies. According to Sacks “Shakespeare (ca. 1600 CE) wrote tragedies and comedies because those were playwriting 's two principal forms, inherited from the Greeks.” Tragedies were portrayed as the problems that occurred with the heroes. Tragedy theater was known as the symbol of hubris or arrogant. Most times the hero would be facing his death due to the disappointment of the Gods, because of his own actions. Comedy was to be taken as a joke at all times. Mimics and Art were also use as comedy. These performances didn’t require as many characters unlike tragedy theater. Sakes stated “Ancient Greek theater was a form of poetry, with all dialogue being spoken or sung in verse. Theater was also mass culture, intended for an audience that included several social classes, and it thrived in democracies such as Athens (although it is unclear whether women, even female citizens, were allowed to attend).” With both types of theater women parts were played by men. It is said and undetermined whether females were able to view the theater performances. Both tragedy and comedy

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