Greek Government Style

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This analysis, development will precisely explain the nature of the five ancient Greek governmental styles. Perceive and know that how the two well-known government administrations are very separate in their administration style. For example, the Athenian form of electing a government was called Limited Democracy while the Spartan form of Government was called oligarchy” which means a rule by a few, but it had elements of the monarchy ruling system which subjected by the rule of kings. Based on these leadership scenarios, the relationship and their differentiation in examine and compare the five-administration style of the Ancient Greek city–states. I would like to go throughout the list given, such as monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, …show more content…

(The Greek origins of the word aristocracy imply the meaning of “rule by the best”). This inevitably means those with the power to hold wealth, and to define who shall remain in poverty slavery (Brand, n. d.).
Oligarchy is one form of government in which the people led by a small group of people often-wealthy aristocrats. This controls of the king of government style not normally very beneficial and helpful to the majority of the population. It is a rule of government by a few where the majority of the Greek state followed. This dominant form completely restricted to reach people. They are usually nobles, aristocrats, military groups or any distinguished group that rules tyrannically with their own interests and views at heart (Carr, 2016).
Tyranny is a class or a form of the governing system that very comparable to the monarchy, except a tyrant does not exercise power legally and legitimate way and does not have right to claim the kingship. In addition, tyrant normally does not transfer the authority to his son, and despite common stereotypes, not every tyrant were bad or wrong

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