Great Barrier Reef Research Paper

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The Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is comprised of a series of coral reefs of the coast of the Queensland province of Australia. It is approximately 1,400 miles long, and is the largest living structure on the planet. The reef is among the most diverse regions on our planet, and is home to an astonishing array of animal and plant life. Most of the reef is protected by The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park which was formed in 1975 through the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act. However the reef faces a littany of very real threats and dangers. They include climate change, declining water quality from runoff and pollution, extreme weather, coastal development, illegal fishing, and outbreaks of the coral eating crown of thorns starfish. …show more content…

I feel passionate about this not only as some one who believs in enviromental conservation and preservation, but also as an avid scuba diver who would one day like to dive and get to witness the reef first hand. If we do not coninue to attempt to nurse the reef back to health we risk collapsing a unique and truly special ecosystem. The reef has been recognized as a World Heritage Site due to its remarkably unparalleled biodiversity. With 600 types of corals, more than 100 kinds of jellyfish, thousands of molluscs and fish species, over 100 forms of rays and sharks, and approximately 3 dozen sorts of whales and dolphins the reef is a complex living breathing machine with millions of moving parts that make it's existence possible. If this habitat is continually stressed we face the depressing possibility of destroying it entirely. For every species that we manage to kill off from over fishing to the ones that can't adapt to climate change to ones that we poison through pollution we jeopardize the reef as a whole. It would seem to me we are playing a really sick form of the childrens game jenga with this incredible masterpiece created by nature. We keep pulling blocks from the bottom of the tower and expect the

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