Graduation Speech: The Black Lives Matter Movement

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Hello everyone today I am here to talk about a serious issue that has been happening and here to make a change. By the time you leave this room I hope you have a new perspective on black people. First of all we all know about the movement called Black Lives Matter. It’s a movement that supposedly supports black people and calls out for help. I believe that in order to keep black people safe, they should end Black Lives Matter. Ever since this movement was started black people have not been safe in America. The United States is no longer a safe place for black people because of Black Lives Matter. Too many black people are dying for no reason. Black people should stop this movement because they are liars and want attention. I can tell you million …show more content…

In essence, the professor was correct. The chances of a black person dying because of police force intervention is considered far less than his chances of being killed by lightning. That’s far from the Black Lives Matter movement that police killed one black male apparently every 28 hours. Black Lives Matter is false assertion that friendly police workers kill a black man every 28 hours doesn’t even add up. Everyone needs to see that Black Lives Matter belongs to a comedian because it truly is a joke that can make you laugh. I asked myself how can black people put their own kind in danger? They probably don't care and just want to feed off of the social media and what not. It was very upsetting looking at pictures of young black children dying or losing their parents. Black people say white people are treating them unfair but I believe that honestly black people are the cause of their own race deaths. Not only that but Black Lives Matter has violence protesters killing both races , black and white. The whole picture I hope you can see is that this movement should be stopped. It is putting everyone in danger. I support anything black will do except Black Lives

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