Graceling Kristin Cashore Summary

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Have you ever read a book and had though to yourself; this book is amazing. That is the though readers should think as they read Graceling by Kristin Cashore. They should when they read this book, because of Graceling’s setting, characters, plot, the plot resolution, and some of the small things. Graceling’s setting is not an easy thing to pin point because of the time period, but does include vast and dangerous lands that the characters will travel through. The main characters are different than what cliché main characters would be like in YA novels. The plot is complex and heart racing. Graceling’s ending is satisfactory, ending with the characters getting their happily ever after. Finally, Graceling had a lesson that was not intentionally put in by the author, Kristin Cashore. Graceling is distinctive and original, being the blue diamond of books; the best there is. …show more content…

The answer itself is not as simple as the reader is introduced to ‘The Seven Kingdoms’ as the reader has to learn the place, time period, and geography. Firstly, there is no main setting in Graceling. The protagonists of Graceling are constantly on the move and have traveled through all of the kingdoms at one point or another. Secondly, the time period is the hardest part, because The Seven Kingdoms is a made up place and there is no specified time. However, it does have a medieval-like feel to it as there is a lack of technology and how most of the kingdoms use a kind of feudal system. Finally, there is the geography of The Seven Kingdoms, which is made of kingdoms named Nander, Wester, the Middluns, Estill, Sunder, Monsea, and Lienid. Examples of the geography are the forests in Sunder, a mountain range that makes up the border in Monsea, and a small island makes up Lienid. Graceling, with its amazing and complex setting is what makes it a distinctive and original; the blue diamond of

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