'The Fault in our Stars' Essay.

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What are you going to do when you know that the person you love is dying right in front of your eyes? What is there that you can do? The Fault in Our Stars is a touching story that brings out all the possibilities of those questions. The real issue here is that is everything being done so that the person you love dies happily and peacefully? There are many instances in this story where you can tell that the main characters Hazel and Augustus really truly love each other because both make choices that will eventually end up in the others happiness. Even though there are the loving instances, there are also times where you the reader are asking yourself; ‘Is this the right thing that’s happening?’ Another factor that this book holds is that it draws you in with it’s confusion. Everything makes sense, but yet in another sense, it doesn't. This book is an emotional train wreck, and when and if you do read this I recommend you have tissues somewhere near by.
~Optional Reading for Recap on the story~
For the readers out there who haven’t had the privilege of reading this book, let’s take a moment to recap and spill the beans on this unbelievably amazing piece of literature. It all starts out with the reader knowing the main character, Hazel Grace Lancaster. Hazel has had cancer since she was a little girl, the big part of this information is that Hazel’s cancer is terminal. She has a type of cancer that makes it almost impossible for her to breath on her own, this is known as stage 4 thyroid cancer. Sometime during Hazel’s life, her parents decided that she was depressed, so they've sent her to a support group. Hazel drags on and on about how horribly boring it is, but soon her perspective changes when Isaac, a friend from group brings ...

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... book.
Great books come once in a great while, and this book is an absolutely amazing book. This book will touch your heart in all the cold nooks and cranny’s that you so desperately want to keep cold and turn them warm. All the actions of love that Gus and Hazel show towards each other is incredible, and something heartwarming and sweet. The confusion is the second best part, it makes you think, even if you don’t think that you’re thinking whatsoever. From the get-go it draws you in with complications, and those complications increase throughout the entire book. Even though this may make you cry like a little baby, you’re going to enjoy every single tear. This book will connect with you on levels that are unbelievable and you’re going to have one heck of a ride. Enjoy your time on this Earth because we learn from Gus that you never know how long you actually have.

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